Our Lawn Care Plans typically run from Early April until Late October. We focus our services on times of change for your lawn. That is from Early Spring to Late Fall. Our services are design to keep your lawn looking as good as possible while staying within your budget.

We offer three main Lawn Care Plans; the 5-Visit Plan, the 7-Visit Plan, and the 7-Visit Plan with Lawn Maintenance. Although you can customize any of our Lawn Care Plans with other services such as; Mosquito Control, Spring & Fall Cleanups, Mulch, and/or aeration.

Look over our Lawn Care Plans below to determine which treatment plan is the best for your lawn. If you have questions about any of the plans or treatments, give us a call or request a quote. We are always here to help.



Pre-Emergent Crabgrass & Broadleaf Treatment

Spring Weed Treatment & Organic Based Fertilizer

Liquid Weed Post-Emergant Treatment

Late Summer/Early Fall Weed Treatment & Organic Based Fertilizer

Winterizer Slow Release Organic Based Fertilizer

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Pre-Emergent Crabgrass & Broadleaf Treatment

Spring Weed Treatment & Organic Based Fertilizer

Liquid Weed Post-Emergant Treatment

Grub Control with Fertilizer

Late Summer/Early Fall Weed Treatment & Organic Based Fertilizer

Late Fall Slow Release Organic Based Fertilizer

Winterizer Microbial Metabolites with Lime and Iron

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Pre-Emergent Crabgrass & Broadleaf Treatment

Spring Weed Treatment & Organic Based Fertilizer

Liquid Weed Post-Emergant Treatment

Grub Control with Fertilizer

Late Summer/Early Fall Weed Treatment & Organic Based Fertilizer

Late Fall Slow Release Organic Based Fertilizer

Winterizer Microbial Metabolites with Lime and Iron

Weekly Lawn Mowing

Weekly Lawn Trimming

Weekly Sidewalk & Driveway Edging

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Pre-Emergent Treatment: Our pre-emergent treatments are generally applied during the early Spring. The goal of the pre-emergent treatment is to stop broadleaf weeds and crab grass before they start to grow. At the same time we apply fertilizer to give the existing turf a nice nutrient-rich envirnment.


Liquid Weed Treatment & Organic Based Fertilizer: Liquid weed treatment is applied to areas of broadleaf weeds as they emerge in the lawn. We do this to limit the amount of chemicals used on your property. This is better, safer, and often more effective method of protecting the integrity of your lawn. At the same time we apply fertilizer to give the existing turf a nice nutrient-rich envirnment to grow.


Grub Treatment with Fertilizer: Grubs can be one of the most distructive pests you can get in your lawn. They burrow deep and are hard to reach. Once they become apparent, it is normally too late. We treat all lawns with grub treatment to reduce the risk of disaster. At the same time we fertilize the lawn to help it care though the long hot summer months.

Slow Release Fertilizer: Slow release fertilizer are great for lawns as they help to keep lawns heathly during long periods of dormancy. Normally used in the Fall, the goal is to fertilize the lawn during the Fall growth seed and still have some fertilizer remaining to keep grass healthy over Winter.


Microbial Metabolites: One of the best treatments you can do to restore the soil with microbes. Microbes help to breakdown the nutrients you add to your soil and consume bacteria. This treatment in conjuntion with P & FE & Lime helps maintain the pH balance of your lawn and encourages heathlier, more durable, and hardier lawns.


Phosphorus and Iron: In the Chicagoland area, most of our lawns have a good amount of phosphorus. However, a full Spring, Summer, and Fall cycle can deplete the phosphorus available for your lawn. We like to add a small amount of phosphorus right before winter, so that it is regularly available come Spring. Iron is added at the same to help grass make chlorophyll and it reach that deep green color in the next growing season.

Most estimates completed online or over the phone.